I am a bit tardy to the party on this one, as it has already been written about at length in the pages of such august publications as the San Diego Union Tribune, the San Francisco Chronicle, and most recently, The New York Times.
I am speaking of Mexican Coca Cola, a delightful beverage which I lovingly refer to as MexiCoke. To give you the crib notes on the subject, Coke bottled in Mexico is made with real cane sugar, as opposed to the high fructose corn syrup used in our inferior domestic version. It has become popular with hipsters, food snobs, and other annoying people who care about things like "mouthfeel" and claim that it has a cleaner taste than the version bottled in the good ol' U S of A. Supposedly, it is closer to the classic formulation of Coca Cola that old timers remember from their childhood. They import this nectar of the Gods back into the United States in small quantities to tap into a Hispanic population longing for a slice of home. Or a drink of home, if you will.
I am no food snob, but I can attest that it is good stuff. It is available at the small Ecuadorian market on the corner by my apartment, and I first tried a bottle last New Year's Eve. I was married a few months ago, and in keeping with our Mid Century theme, we thought it would be fun to leave our guests a gift basket including glass bottles of Coke. We discovered that Costco sells bottles of MexiCoke at about 20 dollars for a 24 pack. Truly a steal. You can also find it on Amazon.com at a significant premium.
If you have the chance, you should sample this great Mexican import which will improve your mood, but won't get you stopped by law enforcement. As for me, well, I noticed that the Ecuadorian market sells Mexican Pepsi (MexiPepsi?). Could be my next big find. Just don't tell the hipsters and food snobs.
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